Friends, I am no gambler, thank God. One reason is that I am one of the worst prognosticators. However, I was intrigued when recently reading Revelation 4:9-11. More on that in a minute. The more I contemplate and even pray about prayer, th…
Friends, there are times when reading the Gospel that you need something like a magnifying glass or microscope. Not for all, of course, for there are times when the Lord makes things abundantly clear, such as "Woe, to you." We best pay close attenti…
Friends, Lent is still very much on my mind these days. I am continually going back to what I had hoped and planned to do and realizing that, like most past Lents, I came up short. I cut a lot of corners. However, I take solace in the inde…
Friends, an absurd or at least far-fetched situation is presented by the Sadducees to Jesus in today's Gospel. It should cause us to ponder the end of our life, likely something most of us don't relish. As the saying goes, n…
Friends, you may recall having either heard me via podcast or read in a Gospel reflection that I am an unabashed believer in the Gospel and that daily reading of Scripture is a must as it opens up a new and incredible world to us. I just d…
Friends, we have been reading about the coming of the Holy Spirit which is a good thing and a lot to grasp or try to grasp but have you ever thought about Jesus ascending to the Father and why He said it is be…
Friends, ever wonder about your recall? Why do we remember certain things while others things we forget? I suppose psychologists can wax on this subject for hours on end but for certain, I wonder about it from time to t…
Friends, we are provided a reminder today of how we might look at ourselves. If I said to you that the sitting President of our great country views themself as a servant of the people you'd be prone to scoff at that stat…
Friends, you may know that I attempt to create in my Subject Line for these reflections (like the one above) a phrase that might be enticing, that it causes you to be inquisitive enough to read on. I feel that…
Friends, life can be ________. How would you complete that sentence? Is life a drudgery? Some days yes, it can feel that way. Is it difficult? Life can be challenging depending at times on our circumstances and the…