Friends, today we share an interview with a young man who shares from his heart how he was chained. Understand that he was not off the proverbial deep end. His life was normal for a post-college young man but he …
Showing up; being present for people
Today's Gospel has Jesus being quite clear about the instructions for the Apostles, for us. He commissions them to go out and cure the sick, raise the dead, and drive out demons. Do we think Jesus is talking to us …
The Solemnity of Corpus Christi, The Body of Christ is the greatest gift to us from God for it is Himself. We have a choice (free will) to accept or reject what Jesus says; that this is truly Himself in …
In today's podcast, we explain how God has laid out for us every aspect of our lives and His natural laws. Our activities are actually divine appointments. Things don't happen by chance. Unlike a frenzied orchestra conductor,...
In today's podcast, we touch on the transformation of St. Peter who just a few weeks ago denied that he knew Jesus to where in today's first reading from the Acts of the Apostles he stands up and makes bold …
In today's podcast we explore logotherapy, the Greek term for meaning, and how being entertained has become a bigger and bigger part of our lives. We are searching for meaning in a lot of the wrong places. A search of …
I Say Gospel, You Say ___________.